Saturday, September 5, 2009

want to know about ACL surgery

well if you are planning to go through ACL reconstruction , you may have lot of thing going in your mind. I am trying to help you by telling some of the facts.
1. It should be done only if you have problem in walking. It may possible that your MRI showing ACL tear but you do not have any symptoms at all. Always remember MRI can be misleading. ACL surgery will treat instability. So if you have instability in walking than only go through this surgery.
2. it's result are depend on the doctor who is operating . Arthroscopic surgery has better result.
3. Usually hospitallisation is of 3 days.
4.No bed rest require, you can walk on next day of surgery .
5.You have to walk with crutches for three weeks.
6. There would be knee brace for 6 weeks.
7. You can start sports after 6 to 9 months.

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